Se instalo el recuperador de aceite con mangueras AN-8 para las tapas de cilindro y AN-10 para el block , tambien se agrego el bolque y con filtro de nafta conectados a los carburadores con mangueras AN-6 , la presion que genera la bomba de nafta es de 2.5 psi , correcta para carburadores.
Tambien se trabajo en el sensor de mariposa adaptado o (TPS ) a un Weber IDF
The breather box was installed , AN-8 hoses for the heads,and AN-10 for the case , also the y block was installed with the fuel filter, the carburators were connected via AN-6 hoses, the fuel pressure generated by the electric fuel pump is 2.5 psi, which is correct for carburators
Also a TPS was installed in a Weber IDF carburator , the kit was supposed to be for an idf, but it wasnt
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